Count to ZEN then State and Affirm your ZENergy... Constantly

There is a space and time to Zen in (and out) AND the space is within and the time is ALL WAYS... ALWAYS

Some think that we can only Zen in (or out) when we are on a yoga mat, reading a book, or meditating (or praying) but Oni Abeni is here to share some thing different

You can be in...
A constant state of Zenergy

A constant state of pleasure
A constant state of peace
A constant state of chaos (which gives need and reason for peace)
A constant state of joy
A constant state of pain (which allows one to appreciate and vibrate higher to joy)
A constant state of strength
A constant state of weakness (which shows one their liabilities to recognize and welcome their assets)
A constant state of divine purpose
A constant state of a higher power
A constant state of balance (Maat)
A constant state of LOVE

An affirmation for ZENergy

I am energy
I can not be destroyed
I can only be transformed
I am not in fear of change
I embrace constant states of change
I embrace all states of being
I am at peace with myself
I am at peace with my surroundings
I can see through the fog of worry
I can see through the fog of doubt
I can see the true 
colors of the rainbow
I can see through the clouds
I am in purpose on purpose
I am in a meditative state of prayer
I am quiet but not invisible
I am calm but not weak
I am loved but not in my ego
I am energy
I can not be destoryed
I can only be transformed
~Oni Abeni


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