Very SuperFishes Full Moon Affirmation confirmation

The Full Moon is a widely natural occurrence that has practices associated with it that based on old wives tales, myths, notions, and experience, etc. can be healing or harmful to one's spiritual awareness, enlightment or elevation. However, with affirmations one's spirit can be strengthen and uplifted to its highest power and purpose. This Full Moon's innerG, although, very superfishes (superstitious) will house an unbelievable and rare energy of self that will make you acknowledge and recognize With this recognition, the Full Moon will ask to flow with the current... Flow with the tides, waves, frequency of emotions from ALL directions. The Full Moon will ask that you be not aware of the supernatural in you and all around you. The Full Moon will ask that you become a legend; a SuperFish yourself and float on... carry on the story of your greatest movements and embrace the lunar energy within but do not become a lunatic...