Third EYE Chakra Test... Do you SEE what EYE see?

The following questions are to align your vision... When eye say vision eye am not referring to that in which you see/visualize with your two eyes (the left and right eye) eye am referencing the 'ALL SEEING EYE' the pineal gland, the center eye, THE THIRD EYE Beauty as ALL other things are in the EYE of the BEHOLDER Ancient Afrikan Scientists found that as a person develops a soul-eye consciousness, the powers of perception become vastly magnified with an operative soul-eye the individual was reported to have developed god-like powers of intra-or-EXTRA sensory perception. It was with those thoughts in mind that the Ancient Africans, particularly the Ethiopians and the Egyptians, placed the serpent upon the crowns of their royalty ~Richard King, MD Do you SEE what EYE see... 1. Do you see 'yourself' in the closet people to you? N EVER SOMETIMES ...