
Showing posts from September, 2017


What is a POTION? Eye see potions as POT ions... What do you do with a pot? You boil, steam, prepare a piece (peace) of a meal, mostly and usually, we use it for feeding or if we REmember OUR grandmothers boil leaves, herbs, or water for what we thought was nothing, when in reality, it was for aroma therapy, humidifying and diffusing.  WE now pay MUCH attention to the diffusers and humidifiers in stores but GRANDma had them on her shelves many years before... What are Ions? Ions are charged atoms (adams) or molecules. What is a Potion... NOW... Oni Abeni says: Potions are used to feed and charge the body, mind, soul, spirit (the original being) (atoms/adams) Rise and Shine : Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang, Peppermint or Eucalyptus, and Rosemary  *Wake up to a GREAT scent of Energetic Power* As above SO below : Patchouli, Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Myrrh *Balance your day with 2 to 4 drops of these on your body or clothing* CALM down : ...


Oni Abeni, in an ancient tone, means born in a sacred abode; WE asked for her, and behold, WE got her) Where is the SACRED ABODE? The mind and Who is WE? the Ancestors and their Descendants. Sahcreed (sacred) relates to a protection system, doctrine, or principles for the Ra (soul) and Ka (spirit).  Energy Work is an intimate and delicate field... our auric field is OUR SPACE and usually when someone is in OUR SPACE we allow them to be and with that 'allowance' it is asked that they spend their time and your time WISELY... AFFIRM your ALIGNMENT CROWN AFFIRMATION EYE am ONE with NaTuRe and a DIVINE REflection of my HIGHER self THIRD EYE AFFIRMATION EYE see the DIVINE in you and REflect wisdom and righteousness THROAT AFFIRMATION EYE SPEAK my MIND and EYE SPEAK CLEARLY with a CALM and ASSURED voice HEART AFFIRMATION EYE see DIVINE LOVE in ALL and spread DIVINE LOVE with PURE intentions (SPREAD my wings and F.L.Y. [First Love Yourself] away) SOLAR PLEXUS AFFIRMATION E...